Monday, May 28, 2012

Steven L. Goldstein The Sun-Sentinel

May 28, 2012
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel

My dear Professor,

If, as you write, “Apathy is the enemy of the electorate” how would you describe the people of North Carolina voting against same sex marriage by a 61 to 39 margin?

If memory serves, same sex marriage has been on ballots in 32 states. [I add as an aside that referendums, along with its much beloved twin initiatives, were the darlings of modern American Liberals for a long time.] Not one state – California included – has voted for it.

Is that apathy?

If you could outlaw outlaw out-of-state contributions from groups like the NRA would the same restrictions apply to NARAL or Emily’s List? When the President charges $40,000 for a one legged chicken dinner do you think all that money stays in one state?

In a typical display of modern American Logic it is OK to ban something, anything as long as the right things are the only things banned. It might be ignorance or it might be apathy that makes modern American Liberals begin every political conversation with a rock in one hand and a cudgel in the other.

I quote Frank Layden, a great American, who said ”I don’t know and I don’t care”.

Kevin Smith

PS – You must be reading the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz play book. She compares apples to oranges to coconuts. I never thought she was dumb. Maybe she’s spending too much time with Curley Biden. You say that “apathy is the mother of extremism [and] extremism is the father of disempowerment”. Wazupwidat? You rale against “partisan gerrymandering”. How about “non-partisan gerrymandering”? How else would felon Alcee Hastings have gotten to Congress save for having a district created that would have sent Nat Turner, Step-n-Fetchit, H. Rap Brown, or O.J. Simpson to the House?

Ain’t this a great country?

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