Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 11, 2013 later in the day
Rebecca Marquez
@The Sun Sentinel

RE: My apologies

MS Marquez,

In my haste to rescue you from the clutches of modern American Liberalism – I bet you didn’t know that the forebears of the current Church of modern American Liberalism thought Mussolini was a great guy and that for almost 2 years they thought Hitler was an OK guy. You didn’t, did you? – I left out some important things.

Any novice entering the novitiate of secular humanism must first renounce the laws governing gravity. “Things unsupported fall to the earth” was one of Orwell’s truisms. He also said “stones are hard, water is wet”. As you may well imagine he was hated by the mALs of the 1930s and 1940s. They actually wanted to ban his books.

Once you have renounced gravity you are asked to believe that the horizon can and will be reached. No matter what competing reality says you, as a practicing but not yet fully professed mAL, must believe that all good things are possible if enough men of good faith believe and work for it to be. That’s why all good mALs have a chiropractor on speed dial. The cognitive dissonance demanded of true believers causes their backs to resemble Quasimodo and Richard the Third. One of the ways that they keep from swallowing their tongues is that they judge themselves and their policies on expectations and intentions. Only a hide bound Republican would dare to use results as a tool. If the nit-wits who want you to join their coven had their way the Super Bowl would never end. It would be a scoreless tie for all eternity or until the rain forests or polar bears died, whichever came first.

America’s longest war, the war that was begun by Lyndon Johnson in 1964 before the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the War on Poverty, is still being fought. The last charge over the top, the one that drove straight into the Maxim guns of History, was begun in 2009 using money borrowed from the Chinese inter alia. The nation awaits, somewhat less eagerly than in 2010, 2011, or 2012, the horizon-like Summer of Recovery.

But as to GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange, did you ever know how Greenland got its name? The earth shattering answer is that it was green. When ice melts the exposed land turns green from things growing.

See if you can follow this.

As temperatures rise more land becomes arable.
More arable land means more protein.
More protein means smarter people.

Smarter people means things like aqueducts, Logic, Pi, indoor plumbing, Mozart, the infield fly rule, the Salk vaccine, microwaves, trips to the Moon, Wal-Mart, child proof caps, afternoon television, and smart phones. I am sure I left a few things out so feel free to embellish the list.

Speaking of really smart people we were told 25 years ago by the consenus of scientists that we would all die from the AIDS “epidemic”. If AIDS was/is an epidemic which word would you use for the 60,000,000 deaths from Influenza in 1918/1919? How are you feeling?

I remember President Clinton giving a press conference in the Rose Garden at the White House in August of1997. Surprisingly, his zipper was all the way up. He said it was very hot out. He said it was because of Global Warming. He said one of the ways we got Global Warming was because of hot summer days.

That is called a tautology.

Combine it with circular reasoning, its evil twin, and all things can be proved to be true. I can prove that the moon is made of green cheese. If you want Camembert you got it. Cream cheese? Queso de oso? No problem. You name the fromage and I will produce a lunar title with its name on it. It will still call the tides. Honest.

The next trap I want you to avoid is the one-way trip to the “undiscovered country” that non-thinkers have a perpetual one way ticket with no return possible. Repeat after me: “Correlation is not causation. Correlation is not causation. Correlation is not causation.”

If you can’t avoid that you become hopelessly and haplessly ensnared – it’s like being Gorilla Glued in a briar patch built by and for morons – by the intellectually dishonest Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Listen up.

John the Gom wore a green shirt on Monday. It rained. John the Gom wore a green shirt on Tuesday. It rained. John the Gom wore a green shirt on Wednesday. It rained. John the Gom wore a green shirt on Thursday. It rained. John the Gom wore a blue shirt on Friday. It did not rain. John the Gom had a picnic on Saturday. He did not wear a green shirt. It is not known if it rained.

Did you know that the snows of Mt. Kilimanjaro have been receding sinc1887? Did you know that 1887 was the first year that the snows were measured?

If the diminishing polar ice cap, the one that supposedly has all the polar bears floundering because of rich White guys driving gas-guzzling SUVs, is really melting where is the water going? I am looking out at the Intercoastal. I can assure that, while the water mysteriously rises twice a day it just as mysteriously falls twice a day. The only solution that makes sense to me is the one posited by Professor Antonio Vivaldi, the noted Italian climatologist. You may wish to become familiar with him and his teachings.

When I mentioned abortion it was with the silly notion that humans, “however base or vile their condition”, were what you meant by “Florida’s greatest treasure”, Further, since 6% of the population is responsible for the deaths of some 25,000,000 unborn Black babies, can we not estimate what else we have lost? Do you think that this year’s version of Barack Obama or Thomas Sowell or Frederick Douglas has gone down the drain in the abortion abattoir? How do you replace that loss?

Even if you don’t know of Walker Percy please accept on faith that he was one of the great men of American letters in the 20th century. It was he who said the back door of an abortion butcher factory leads straight to Auschwitz.

Marley, Jacob, not Bob, said to his partner Ebenezer, “Save yourself before it is too late”.

It is too easy to be a modern American Liberal. Thought is not required. I learn tonight that the US Ambassador to Belgium, a rich White guy who gave a lot of money to Obama hoping for change, has been accused of soliciting underage victims, both female and male, for sex. If we apply the Clarence Thomas rule the only important thing is the charge. As to the actual facts of the matter they are of no import. “First the verdict, then the trial” didn’t work with Justice Thomas, Shouldn’t it at least be tried with Ambassador Gutman?

If not, why not? Ask some of the people who wrote the editorial about the Zimmerman trial. They surely know. If they have to tell you there is still time for you “to look up and see the stars”.


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