Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “First the verdict; then the trial” and Save the Turtles. It takes a while but it all makes sense in the end. Some comments on your editorial page cartoon and your editorial.


So seldom do I get a chance to quote Oliver Cromwell – “I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken” – that I laid aside all other things and leaped to it.

The cartoon and your previous editorials coupled with your perpetually outraged opinion columnists present an irresistible “target rich” environment. We have allowed our language to become so debased that “target rich” implies that every man has a goodly supply of Claymore mines. Come to think of it that may not be such a bad idea. Orwell would snatch the hammer from your cartoon and smash his fingers so he could write no more.

Try to follow this. I’ll type slowly.

#1 – It is not the Trayvon trial. It was not the Nicole trial nor was it the Ron trial. it was the OJ trial. The guy with the toe tag is the victim [alleged]. He is not on trial.

#2 – If racism is on trial would a guilty verdict and a quick execution balance the scales of centuries-long American racism?

#3 – What if a “Bronx Jury” delivers a “Bronx Verdict”?

#4 – What if there is a Johnny Cochrane moment in the trial?

#5 – What if he is found not guilty?

#6 – What if, and this would be the worst of all possible worlds, he didn’t do it?

Here are some strange thoughts for you to ponder. Consider them to be a turd in the judicial punch bowl, if you will.

What ever happened to the presumption of innocence? Has the 6th Amendment been temporarily suspended because it is a trial of a “white Hispanic”, so described by the New York Times, accused of killing a Black teen? Is he not entitled to a vigorous and aggressive defense? Is that old saw, a relic sometimes called The Rule of Law [Send a SASE] not allowed to raise its tired head in a trial involving a White defendant and a Black victim [alleged]?

Was it intentionally ironic – Can “ironic” modify absurdity? – of you to place the “White Man is Evil” cartoon underneath your editorial that says Gibraltar may tumble, the Rockies may crumble but the turtle must be saved?

2 things:

A – Did Fort Lauderdale observe the letter and the spirit of the law when they did the emergency repairs on the beach, the sea wall, the sidewalk, and A1A long past the tip-toe past the turtle, don’t even think about sneezing, drop dead date lest the hatchlings lose their way and succumb to ADHD? Has anyone told the maritime predators, both air-borne and sea, that these cute little buggers are under Federal protection? I mean like the IRS will put a boot in their ass, it being the American way, right?

B – I can’t hurt the babies but when is the best time to grab Mom & Dad? I haven’t had turtle soup in some time. It is a great starter dish when the entrée is whooping crane Milanese or unborn manatee rib-eyes





PS – I guess it slipped your mind but today, June 4, is the anniversary of the Battle of Midway. 4 Jap carriers sunk. The war begins to turn. Look up the year. I hope when the Marines landed on Guadalcanal later that year they did so in an environmentally sensitive manner.

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