Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 9, 2013
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Such a nice lady. Let her talk. Some comments on your column on how free speech isn’t when they don’t want to hear it.

Big Stein,

So “unwavering” is my wish to preserve American History that I have taken pen in hand to school you, ever so gently, in something you know nothing about. Maybe you do but you do but you keep it from your readers most skillfully.

As to Ms. Rich, she seems like a nice lady. As a fire breathing, card carrying modern American Liberal we know that she never lets facts interfere with her arguments. Her primary campaign success is of no import to me since my contempt for her is not personal.

4th & 5th trimester abortions, manatee suffrage, no tax too high, “fairness”, free stuff, who needs guns, Republicans are racist, sexist, ageist, tofu haters, SUV owners, homophobic….it is so predictable that it is more than a bit boring.

It is the Jefferson/Jackson connection that moves me to high dudgeon.

They were involved in the two dirtiest campaigns – 1800 & 1828 – in American History. Imagine if they had electricity!

I can note the origins of the meaner than cat shit Democratic politics – Remember, I am from Bayonne, N.J. – without celebrating them.

I know more than most about Jefferson. I know that since our culture no longer favors the defense of the “permanent things” that he is most remembered for fathering a child with a slave. Alas, DNA suggests otherwise but as President Kennedy, he of “we shall pay any price and bear any burden in defense of liberty” fame, told us “a lie is halfway around the world before the truth can get his pants on”.

It is Andy Jackson name on the ticket that tells me that today’s wing-nut Democrats ain’t got no clue about American History.

That he was personally brave there can be no doubt. So was Hitler. Also, he tolerated no insults, real or imaginary, to any of his ladies.

What is not remembered is that he killed more Native Americans than all other Presidents combined. How else could he have gotten all those American Abos from Florida to Oklahoma? At least a thousand Wounded Knees were on the Trail of Tears that Andy Jackson ordered. That gives me an idea. Why not have MS Rich’s campaign to have FSU drop Seminoles as its nickname? How about the Florida State Conciliators? Maybe the Florida State Community Outreachers? That could be a real big issue for her. Honest.

If Jackson’s bloody hands weren’t enough to cause revulsion 180 years later he became the role model for Jimmy Carter as the worst shepherd of American business ever. Both men possessed one quality in common; neither was able to find his ass using both his hands. Arthur Schlesinger notwithstanding, he was a terrible President. Why do Democrats celebrate him?

[Speaking of celebrations, how is Little Stein doing in college? Tell him if he gets to any class involving Wordsworth, he of daffodil fame, to keep his mouth shut. Wiiliy is on the shit list of the permanently outraged chicks who want to turn “mail man” into “person person”. In fact, if he has any English or History classes with a female teacher who has to bigger forearms than he does or if she has two van Dykes, tell him to switch to Astronomy or Linear B grammar. If he is on a campus where peeing standing up is hate speech tell him to consider A/C technology or newspaper ad sales.]

It may not be such a bad thing that MS Rich misses the J&J dinner.


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