Friday, June 14, 2013

June 12, 2013
Rebecca Marquez
@The Sun Sentinel

RE: One giant step for humankind

MS Marquez,

If you really love our planet, if you really care about “blue crab, spiny lobsters, swordfish, and Spanish mackerel”, if you really care about “92,000 commercial and recreational jobs”, if you really care about “293,000 tourism and recreation jobs”, if you really care about “protecting Florida’s greatest treasure”, you can do one simple thing that will profoundly affect the environment.

Turn your A/C off.

Get the smarmy Sun Sentinel to turn their A/C off.

Turn off the A/C in hospitals.

Turn off the A/C in schools.

Turn off the A/C in all government buildings.

Support legislation banning A/C in any state that borders on our “greatest treasure”.

The reason is simple.

Half the electricity produced in this country comes from burning coal; half the electricity used in this country is for air conditioning. Ergo, if you turn off all the A/Cs you will become a hero to generations of yet unborn fish. Assuming that they could thank you they really, really would. They would really, really, I mean realllllllly thank you if you could make the whole world go vegan.

The land of milk and honey awaits you.

Just one small step is needed.

Start a stampede. Be the first on your block to turn your A/C off.


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