Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14, 2014
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Modern American Liberals and why they never let you down – some comments on your selective amnesia in re the Vietnam War in today’s unlikable Sun-Sentinel.

Big Stein,

If I were to mention that Lyndon Johnson said he would “never send American boys to fight in foreign wars”, just like Wilson and Roosevelt promised, it would be wretched excess, just like the clap. I won’t mention his other war, the hugely successful, often imitated, and never duplicated one against poverty as it could be compared to piling on.

On the other hand, in addition to finding the other glove, we have you writing

“I like to think the protests helped us get out of
Vietnam and maybe saved some lives.”

Alas, facts intrude. Clio, my Muse, tells me that in May, 1972 Nixon, AKA The Peacemaker”, mined Haiphong harbor. That got the attention of the thuggish Gomers in Hanoi. In 4 months, after doing a pavan in Paris over the size and shape of the table, a cease-fire was agreed to. Nixon won 49 states in November. Less than a month later the North Vietnamese tried to live up to their ideals by violating the agreement causing Nixon to unleash the B-52s over Hanoi. After the bad guys ran out of SAM missiles they suddenly found the Baby Jesus. Our phase of the war was over a month later.

Look it up.

Another conveniently forgotten fact, a big old turd in the modern American Liberal punch bowl of inconvenient truths, is that student protest against the war ended when Nixon stopped the draft. Here one day hoping for a high number; gone the next when the lottery stopped.

Look it up.

Allow me to extend sincere non-denominational Season’s Greetings or Happy Holidays as Gaia instructs you.

I am still waiting for Little Stein, your college kid, to tell me if Wordsworth is still on the chick-lit shit list.

Kevin Smith

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