Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29, 2014
Steven L. Goldstein
The Trendsman

RE: What to do? What to do? A plea for an updated “Guide for the Perplexed” from a willing student to the head viper of local modern American Liberals.

My dear Professor,

Two weeks ago people in the streets of New York City shouted

“What do we want? Dead cops!
When do we want them? Now!

No one but no one from the moon-bat, wing-nut sect of modern American Liberalism, or as it is better known, the Democratic Party, objected. MSNBC, the New York Times, Bill Maher, Drooling Chris Matthews, Rosie O’Donnell, Nancy Pelosi…the list goes on and on. No one objected. No one.

4 years ago, when Congresswoman Giffords was shot, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the local Queen cobra of Sophistry, proclaimed that Right-Wing talk radio in general and Rush Limbaugh – and may I add “sainted” to his name? I can? Thank you – in particular loaded and aimed the gun that shot her

One week after the call for dead cops we had, can you believe it, 2 dead cops.

I shall resist the temptation to ask if sauce is good for the goose shouldn’t it be good for the gander.

You say you have a classical education. If that is the case the adage

Qui tacet consitire
will be no problem for you.

Silence gives consent
for those who have forgotten 2nd year Latin.

If Rush Limbaugh was convicted in the modern American Liberal drum head court of public opinion shouldn’t the New York city cop murder inciters at least be questioned as to their involvement in the assassinations of 2 – let me cite usage sanctioned by the New York Times in another death – “non-White” police officers?

Guilt, both individual and collective, is genetically imbedded in double helixed DNA strands of modern American Liberalism. Once the victim/villain nexus has been established the villain, if not extinguished, must be “victimized” a la “Alinsky Rules”, so loved by Hillary Clinton, into perpetual atonement for his sins.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and divers Gay Pride covens have raised this to an art form. And we thought that buying indulgences was a thing of the past!

Since you and your ilk did not object to the calls for the death of policemen Logic would dictate that you share in the guilt of their deaths.

Since you are Broward County’s gold standard, its paradigmatic template if you will, for modern American Liberalism, I ask how does it feel to have blood on your hands even if it is vicarious? Would “all the perfumes of Arabia” cleanse the stain you must now carry like Cain? I know that with the exception of abortion, particularly 4th and 5th trimester abortions, you are opposed to capital punishment.

Yet again the perpetual cognitive dissonance that mALs must carry like Jacob Marley’s chains will weigh you down. At least Scrooge had Bedlam to retire to. MALs must wait for “the earth to cool and for the oceans to recede” for any kind of joy. Godot will appear and be like a eternal summer cold before that happens.

“How sad of all the things that men endure
how few laws or kings can cause or cure.”

By your silence you loaded and aimed the weapon.

All you had to do was say “Stop”.

Because you didn’t you’re guilty.

Your rules; not mine

Kevin Smith

PS – I miss your weekly trips to Never-Never Land. I miss your exhortations to water to flow uphill. I miss your Banshee cries that the last good Republican was Abraham Lincoln. The Sun Sentinel is the worse for your sacking. Since I am Christmasing with my Texas Ladies I know that my Redeemer liveth, Further, I know that “man will not only endure but that he will prevail”.
Great news for Professor Jonathan Gruber! In addition to his becoming an eponym – Think Judas, think Jap, Quisling, think Ponzi, think Borking, think Monicaing – he will be the half time entertainment at the 2015 super Bowl. Having been diagnosed with the worst case of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” ever seen he will be held in quarantine until the big game. He will be brought out in the world’s largest antiseptic bubble. Bill O’Reilly will flip an electronic toggle switch and he will explode. The detritus will be used as rewards in a 12 step anti-lying, anti-bullshiting, and anti-pissing on peoples’ backs’ program. ObamaCare is accepted.

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