Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016
Sanders for President
P.O. Box 2016
Burlington, VT 05402

Hey Bernie!
It is indeed true that sometimes a good thing can come from a bad deed.
 Who would have thought that, despite the heroic efforts of President Obama to prevent its use, the combination of 7 years-worth of slant drilling and the hated practice of “fracking” has driven the price gasoline so far down – something about supply and demand, I think – that I have been able to save a bit of money on using my car. I am sending you a money order for half of what I have saved.
It’s not a lot but if enough of us send what we can you can be elected and Happy Days will be here again. That the people united can never be defeated must be causing  tsouris and agida at the Koch Brothers HQ.
I am sure you get all kinds of advice about how to run your campaign. I’ll leave that to others. I think I can help you in the difficult task of raising revenues.
#1 – Tax the interest paid on municipal bonds – Not 1 direct owner in 650 of municipal bonds is other than Caucasian. Why should Blue collar Black folk, people who have quite enough on their plate to begin with, thank  you, have to subsidize rich White guys as they avoid paying their “fair share”? Taking a cue from the courageous precedent of President Obama you could issue an executive order making this interest taxable.
#2 – Eliminate the Federal Tax deduction for interest paid on mortgages and for local real estate taxes. Again, the History of renters, mostly people of color, subsidizing suburban home owners, mostly White, must be reversed. Of course, increased revenue is the goal but “fairness” is the immediate issue. General Sherman, before he began his March to the Sea, a thing that may have been the last good deed done by a Republican President other Nixon resigning, said that he wanted to “make them howl”. So must you. The “1%ers”, today’s Robber Barons, today’s malefactors of great wealth, those who are disproportionately “lucky in life’s lottery” must feel the lash of righteous payback. After all, it’s only “fair”, right?
Accept my widower’s mite as a down payment to your campaign to save the soul of our society. After all, we’re all in this together, right?

Kevin Smith

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