Sunday, November 10, 2019

November 10, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Like herpes, I’m back. And always at the worst possible time. Some comments on your unlinkable paper this fine day, about a year from the tumultuous reelection of il magnifico.

November 10, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Like herpes, I’m back. And always at the worst possible time. Some comments on your unlinkable paper this fine day, about a year from the tumultuous reelection of il magnifico.


And how did I come by your nearly see-through paper this morning?

I am not too proud to say that I took a page from the illustrated and lavishly photographed guide book on how to be a grifter, a yegg, and a booster, written by Congresswoman Maxine Waters [D-CA]

I remember her snappy response when she saw video of some pf her constituents looting and pillaging a 7-11, prior to burning it down. As she watched her people dashing into and out of the stores, struggling with swag on the way out, she said without a hint of rebuke or condemnation, “Alternative shopping”. If you have a problem with what your lying eyes are seeing, you are a racist.”

It’s a straight line from that to “Midnight Basketball” and from there to looting a bank like she and her husband were doing until Barney Frank, another guy from Bayonne told them the security cameras were working. And oh yes, I knew Barney’s first teenage crush but my lips are sealed.

Anyway, who says you can’t learn from a conniving bat-shit crazy loon like Maxine? Not I.

I saw a news show last night featuring the first public showing of Wide-Bottomed Hillary doing her stand-up shtick. Let me say that she gets a C+ for effort – that’s all that counts for card carrying modern American Liberals because nobody cares about results, right? Lieawatha Warren will soon call for all ball games to keep the clock but do away with the score board because for every winner there is a loser, you betcha – and an F minus for content. Joan Rivers and Totie Fields have nothing to worry about. Her daughter, and by the way, I just found out that she did not go to any of the really fine public schools in DC, was auditioning for the Ed McMahon slot. Just Godawful. She made my baby Komodo dry heave. Her mother, in some weird toga-like outfit, looked she was a bag lady working the bus terminal johns looking for Johns with Johnsons.

Yet still I looked for a chuckle, a guffaw, in your paper.

The Page 1 story about the coming permanent traffic jam in Hollywood, one that will lead to OK Corral incidents at high noon, is worthy of note but it takes a back seat to the story about Curley Biden’s kid. 

He sounds like he learned from Jake the Gyp, Boss Tweed’s only known ancestor and yes, no hot stove or the pennies on a dead man’s eyes are safe when he is around. 2 things are certain:

#1 – None of his stuff passes the Bag Test. Bag Test? Send a SASE.
#2 – Change his name to Trump and we would soon be out of industrial strength Right Guard. The wretched reptiles, the witches and warlocks of the Main Stream Media, would be shitting through their arm pits trying to get him.

Of course he should testify. Of course he should be investigated.
He’s a doper who got a less than honorable discharge from the Navy. That bothers me because my wife’s father, Lt. Cdr Walter Chapman, MD was a combat veteran of the Atlantic. Also, I have a first cousin, a CPO with 30 years in who was buried at Arlington 2 Octobers ago. Also, he got a leg over on his brother’s widow n the limo on the way back from the cemetery and before the lunch.

The sniveling rat bastard should be horse whipped.

Does anyone remember Gary Sick? He posited a theory that around the middle of October,1980, that when Bush 43 was running against Walter Mondale for the Vice Presidency, he took a day off figuring that nobody would notice. He was the #3 guy on a garbage truck going to Andrews Air Force Base. There, he further disguised himself so that could board a fully fueled and piloted, including a white silk scarf and sufficient “skill and cunning” to get G.H.W. Bush to Paris and back on the same day.Only a SR71 could do that

I don’t think he picked up any ’79 Talbot or ’75 Lascombe what with the lack of overhead carriers on the Black Bird.  What he did do was meet with some of Khomenie’s hit men and put the fix in for the 1980 election, according to Professor Sick. He then wrote a book that attracted an audience who wanted to know what happened to Bridey Murphy and whether she is in Atlantis or the Bermuda Triangle with transfers to friggin’ Utopia.

It got the attention of House Speaker Tom Foley [D-WA] who ordered a House investigation of “The October Surprise”. When asked about the evidence for starting the investigation, Speaker Foley, in a rare encounter with truth and candor, said, “There is no evidence. That is why we must have an investigation.” God’s Holy Trousers and I will bet my one good eye but that’s what he said.

Anyway, keep digging. I know you won’t but it shows my naivete. It’s cheaper than cocaine and we get to keep our septums.

Page 7B tells of Lake County, doubtless a “deplorable, bitter clinging” political entity, declaring itself a “Sanctuary County” in re the 2nd Amendment. Who says that John Calhoun and his Theory of Nullification are dead? Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, no?

In the same story, the term “settled law” is used. Alas, for 11th hour strict constructionists, it is “settled” until it becomes “unsettled”. 2 examples would be the Dred Scott decision and Plessy v Ferguson. The first was overturned on the field of battle while the second was overturned when a Republican President appointed a Republican Governor with the political skills to be Chief Justice to get a unanimous ruling. 3 years later, the Republican President sent paratroopers, the 101st to be exact, Easy Company’s home division, to enforce the decision because the Democratic Governor said “No”.

Also, in your mini Op-Ed section, Howard Simon, formerly head of the South Florida ACLU – I am looking at my expired ACLU membership card – caterwauls in typical modern American Liberal fashion about Citrus County “unsubscribing” from a $2,700 subscription to the New York Times. [For $2,700 I want the ghost of Walter Duranty to explain how Russian interference in an American Presidential election worked in 1932, It did, you know.

He also says, in an ominously chilling manner, “Will removing hard copies be far behind?” 

Would the African-American Library, an institution built by and maintained by all the people of Broward County without regard to race, religion, national origin or dietary preference have a copy of “The Nigger of Narcissus?” It was written by a Nobel Prize winner. How about Huckleberry Finn? “Sexual Suicide” by George Gilder? Any seminars or workshops on Shylock?

Don’t you love tu quoque?

I try to preface any comments on voting stories with2 asides.

#1 - I am from Bayonne, NJ. My wife Amy had many relatives who lived in Chicago and its posh suburbs. If they are not included in any voting story it would be akin to playing baseball without home plate.
#2 – Why is it presumptively racist, sexist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, Climate Change denying, and biased to transgendered vegans to ask for a photo ID to vote but not to get a cell phone, get non-prescription cough medicine at CVS, board an airplane, get or give blood, rent a car, apply for a mortgage, or rent an apartment ?

Almost the best for last.

Is your Page 11A story about White Power and Privilege suppressing our indigenous Abos – in this case, the Hopis of northeast Arizona – who had a nice deal going. They got a royalty for every ton of coal mined on their property. Also, since this is the way the Real-World works, they got first dibs on a whole bunch of jobs. Then the round-eyed White Devils who speak with forked tongue came up with slant drilling and fracking to bring gazillions of trillions of cubic feet of natural gas that slapped the snot out of the domestic coal market. The strong dollar argues against the capital expenditure needed for overseas delivery. [35 years ago, I helped sell $25,000,000 worth of coal in15 months to Italy and Turkey because the dollar was weak It was financed by Neste Bank of Finland. Ah, the good old days of Globalizatio444n!] 

The confluence of outside events has placed a disproportionately disparate burden on this long-suffering Noble Savage. Put differently, “creative destruction”, Schumpeter’s upbeat coroner’s report, kneecapped the domestic coal business jus like Colonel Drake’s wells n Titusville in 1859 was the death knell for the whale oil business. It was History in less than 4 years.

The news story owes it genesis to The Onion.

Congressman Tom O’Halloran – of course he’s a Democrat – wants to “create training programs for displaced workers”. Jeeszus Haitch Keerist but he actually said that.
An updated resume would include scalping, gauntlet running, buffalo skinning, firewater pillaging, and keeping Lieawatha Warren out of the tribal census.

“Displaced: Injuns are encouraged to start their own businesses. Why not bring back stagecoaches? We can always use skilled highwaymen, can’t we? The red dot Macaca Indians, the ones that Curley Biden says sell all the coffee in Delaware, have the call center business locked up. What the Hell is an American Indian to do?


Kevin Smith

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