Sunday, November 10, 2019

November 8, 2019 Knicker Knotted, Not

November 8, 2019

Knicker Knotted, Not

Tom Steyer, who made a gazillion dollars before he started to privatize prisons for profit by selling “dirty coal” to the “Lesser Breeds” living and breathing a bit more breathlessly in China and India – “dirty coal” is dirty because of its high Sulphur content. I mined coal in 2 states for 10 years. If it tested higher than 1% you blew the whistle and stopped operations because it could not be legally burned in this country – has come to know and love the Baby Jesus. One of the rewards for so doing is that you get to piss on people’s backs and expect to have them to do a Gene Kelly shtick about singing in the rain.

That he suffers from several of the traits most associated with tertiary modern American Liberalism; viz. “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome [he really, truly, deeply, and sincerely believes that his shit doesn’t stink], “What would I do without tautologies?”, and the wretched excesses of post hoc ergo propter hoc, has added a new brick to the hod.

Do you remember Lt. William Calley?

He shot the shit out of a load of gomers and slopes in My Lai, Vietnam. Modern American Liberals knew that Nixon was in charge of the battalion, maybe the platoon, possibly the squad. He wasn’t. Logic and precedent are not parabolic curves. If Nixon did My Lai then JFK and LBJ did Agent Orange, Rolling Thunder, & Linebacker 1 & 2,

One of Steyer’s young turks, with turks being known for their tenacious toadynishness – I am Irish. Joyce isn’t the only Gael who can invent words – allegedly offered a bribe to an Iowa delegate. “Vote for my boss and I’ll give you some cash.”  I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey. We’re not talking about an infamia here, are we? Certainly not malum per se and barely malum prohibitum. Let the record show that if Steyer’s name was Trump the Temple curtain would be ripped not asunder but to shreds, chickens would lay square eggs.

The New York Times and the MSM would be shitting through their ears. Not so with Steyer. That’s because he’ s on the right – scratch that – the correct side of the big issues.

 Things like 4th and 5th trimester abortions, fartless cows, pseudo-science and the long-delayed return of Lysenko to a place of honor in the pantheon of science, non-plastic straws, the flexibility of human nature, and who says Utopia is nowhere are what give him the cloak of invulnerability, a precious gift of ruling coven of modern American Liberal reptiles. They protect their own.  Kavanaugh and Epstein? Kavanaugh and Lard Kennedy? Don’t be silly.

Today I saw, and for the first time, a picture of Donatelli’s Mary Magdalene. While it is true that I don’t know much about art, I know what I like. A case can be made for him being the first great Renaissance artist. I say this because a bit more than a century later that era’s version of radical Islamic terrorists said they would stable their horses in Saint Peter’s Basilica. 

Would it make me a deplorable Islamophobe if I were to ask where is the Muslim Donatelli? Rembrandt? Cezanne? Rothko? Why, if it is a religion of peace, are there no representations of idealistic idyllism? Is there a Shia girl with a pearl earring for the world to marvel at? Nights alive with stars shine over Mecca, don’t they? Why has no one shown them to us? Why hasn’t someone sung about them? Mozart’s Figaro overture and Beethoven’s final movement of his 9th are divinely inspired. Other than drum beats for stonings, why is the Fertile Crescent as silent as a tomb? Maybe Allah ain’t so Akbar after all.

And now comes Michael Bloomberg, a “good” billionaire, to warn us of the dangers of the perfidious Big Gulp or, worse, unlimited refills to same. The next proposed amendment will involve involuntary kale enemas and gender sensitivity sessions. 

Meanwhile, Senator John Kennedy [R-LA] who is “good like Nedick’s” said that Nancy Pelosi was “stupid”. At least he didn’t call her a “stupid feckless Eye-Tie cunt”. Give him credit for moderation.

To reduce the costs of Medicare, Lieawatha Warren will promote Russian Roulette and python wrestling in all nursing homes getting any moneys from Medicare.

Maybe we didn’t make good cars when Carter was President but we sure as Hell made great space probes. We just herd from one that was launched in 1977. It asked if Billy Martin was doing with the Yankees.


Kevin Smith

PS – On June 12, 1987 the RINO weenies tried to blue pencil a phrase in Reagan’s speech at the Berlin Wall. He kept putting it back in. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
On November 30, 1989 free men tore it down along with the Iron Curtain. He won the Cold War without firing a shot. God Bless Ronaldus Magnus!

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