Monday, November 18, 2019

November 16, 2019 Congressman Eric Swalwell [D-CA] is either full of shit or a friggin’ liar.

November 16, 2019

Congressman Eric Swalwell [D-CA] is either full of shit or a friggin’ liar. Worse, he could be both. Either way, he is this year’s first confirmed 


An aside about my 3 annual awards: They – Smarmy Bastard, Pompous Fart, Horse’s Ass, of the year, month, and week respectively sprung to life spontaneously in 1993 when I twice appeared before NJ Superior Court Judge Carole Ferentz in Newark, NJ. The second time was when I came back, pro se both times, with a court order vacating the original judgment against me issued by the New York Supreme Court. I reminded her, in as gentle a chastisement as I was capable of conjuring, of the magic words of James Madison, America’s little giant, about each state having to give full faith and credit to each other state’s public records, [Article 4, Section 1, to put a finely precise point on it] and I told her that, in this instance, the New York Appellate Court, having overturned the original judgment, the subsequent judgment against me in NJ was invalid. Remembering how mean and nasty she was to both lawyers and litigants, how much meaner than 4-day old cat she was, I am proud to say that I made this fat assed cuno miserable drool before she threatened me.

I decided to memorialize our brief encounter. Hence, the SBotY No Affirmative Action here, no gender, racial, or ethnic preferences here. You get it the old-fashioned way: You earn it. There is one prominent exception. All Kennedys, dead and/or alive are automatically given SBotY when they enter either the barrel, the yellow circle or the 10 ring or they are born. And I say this as a proud Irish-Catholic.

You may recall that, in typical snot nosed modern American Liberal fashion, he posited the Swalwell Theorem. It states, without any qualifiers, that any accusation, however egregiously outrageous, however Baron Munchausen-like it was, against il Magnifico, aka, Donald J. Trump, had to be believed unconditionally until a deus ex machina appeared out of the noon day sun and explicitly and line by line refuted it.

I choose the 3rd option. Plus, he is so full of shit that flies come from miles away to nest in his pants for romantic weekends.

Here in the words of former Vice President Alpha Gump, ex-husband of Thumper Gump and father to all the baby Gumpsters – let me quickly add that I really miss him!
“Sex starved poodle” and “no controlling legal authority” have entered the national consciousness as much as “Remember the Alamo”, “I didn’t have sex with that woman…Miss Lewinsky” and “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” – is an “inconvenient truth”.

In December, 2008, President-elect BHO sent letters to all the Ambassadors this country had posted overseas. The letters said, “Hit the road, Jack, and do it before I get sworn in”. That sounds like he fired them all before he could. N.B. that nobody moved to impeach him. No one ever would because unless there were pictures of him throwing a big jump into Mother Teresa – not the mad cap Gypsy wife of Jay Forbes Kerry but the skinny Adriatic lady who took care of the lepers – nobody was going to lay a glove on him. Lest we forget the immortal words of Slow Joe Biden “he is a clean, articulate Black man who can speak Ebonics with the best of the community activists cum ‘hood rappers”

And that was before he fired all the U.S. Attorneys.

In fairness it must be noted that he was very busy on “shovel-ready jobs”, “cash for clunkers”, borrowing $10,000,000,000,000 from the Chinese to pay for “Midnight Basketball”, rehearsing drawing “Red lines in the sand”, and which of the really, really fine public schools in DC to send his snappy dish daughters to  - He did, didn’t he? I know how modern American Liberals just love public education – and “transforming American society”. Quite a full plate, don’t you know?

The chain of provenance as to how I came to be in possession of today’s Miami Herald is not quite as clear as a straight-up, bone dry Tanqueray see through though it does not fall under the aegis of Maxine Waters [D-CA] “alternative shopping” mantra but I turn your attention to Page 3A. 

“Feds Arrest 29 For Claiming to Have
Cows and Fake Losses””

  “She Bit Boyfriend in the Crotch
‘Out of Frustration,’
Police say”

“Lawyer Whose Pants Caught on Fire
Faces Suspension”

The Onion? – Nope

The Costanza School of Personal Probity and Public Policy” – Nope

Swift? Beckett? Toole? Carlin? Corey? – Nope

The Miami Herald
Page 3A

Ambassador Marie Yovanovich has set the fight for chick equality back a full generation. Just when we were about to equalize life insurance rates for men and women although it would result in the ladies paying more, just when we were going to have the Wimbledon winners of both sexes play an all or nothing match to see who gets paid, just when we were going to have a moratorium on GI Joe funerals at Arlington until GI Josie plays substantial catch up ball, along comes a lady – and can you imagine her pussy whipping anybody? – and throws flaming bags of Tom Cat shit on the stature of non-mikvah bound Bella Abzug nursing Wide Bottomed Hillary while she was channeling Eleanor Roosevelt, who tells us she is “devastated, appalled, and intimidated” because her boss did not hold the door for her. 

I am woman, hear me whine and then hear me whimper.

I have been surrounded my entire life – so far – by 3 generations of strong, assertive, independent women. 

My 3 Texas Ladies, all of them, might turn out to be drug dealers or rough necks in the Permian Basin or poets but they will not turn out to be pansies. 

This broad says she felt intimidated because her boss didn’t send her flowers because menopause didn’t send her to the ER? Maybe he didn’t like her hair. Maybe he told her to wear a girdle. I don’t know, I don’t care. 

Too bad she wasn’t posted to Benghazi.

So many asses to kick, so little time


PS - The caller ID said Gene Bolan, a high school – Seton Hall Prep – and college classmate – Fairfield University – of my son Sean. He wasn’t in New Jersey. He was at the Hard Rock Café in Hollywood. I gave him my address, he summoned a Uber and was here in 20 minutes. His father and I solved a lot of the world’s problems and settled some long-standing theological conundrums. Both the former and the latter were made easier by some potables, always from Scotland. Plus, Young Gene put my shower curtain back in its place of honor where it had been for 17 uninterrupted years until the curse of the perversity of inanimate objects kicked in.  A serendipitous visit that ended with him telling me that there was no chance of him getting married, at least this year. 

PPS – I watched Army West Point – and why is it necessary to stick West Point on to Army? Is it to distinguish it from Army Grosse Pointe or Army Blue Point? – beat up VMI. I go back to Army 1957 when Pete Dawkins, soon to be a Heisman Trophy winner, and Bob Carpenter, the “Lonely End”, coached by Earl “Red” Blaik. ran out to a big lead over Utah State and survived a furious comeback led by Lee Grosscup. In the ‘70s, my father took his son, me, who took his son, Sean, twice to West Point. We saw Army lose to Boston College and beat the Air Force Academy. The one thing that stands out, that is etched forever in the treasure trove, is the continuous loop of MacArthur’s last speech to the Army Corps of Cadets. It was a speech, according to eye-witnesses, given without notes or mechanical devices. He ends it by saying that his last conscious thought “will be of the Corps, and of the Corps”. Which is why you will never have to say “Army West Point”
PPS – The 3 greatest political speeches given in America in the 20th century were given in a 3 year span within 250 miles of each other. Kennedy’s Inaugural in1961, MacArthur’s farewell at West Point in 1962, and Martin Luther King’s in 1964.
 It was said that when Athenians heard Pericles speak in the agora, they said “how well he speaks.” When the same people heard Demosthenes speak, they said, 

“Let us march”

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