Thursday, November 28, 2019

November 27, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel MS O, Sad news indeed about the coming kaddish for Eduardo de San Miguel. None of that Tex-Mex pub grub. Their sopa verde alone marked it as a great restaurant.

November 27, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel


Sad news indeed about the coming kaddish for Eduardo de San Miguel. None of that Tex-Mex pub grub. Their sopa verde alone marked it as a great restaurant.

But I digress. 

About the rally for the great Trump last night…I have long said that Dr. Mengele would sweep any Democratic primary he ran in because of his progressive views on women’s reproductive rights and his strict adherence, to cite Margaret Sanger, to “culling the herd” of undesirables, be they Black, Jewish, deformed or disabled.

Did you see the paltry crowd that Brown-shirt wannabe Debbie Wasserman-Schultz – She sent the cops to my house because of something I wrote. I ask again if they, men with badges and guns, could be construed either as a “chilling effect” or its evil twin, the notorious “slippery slope”? – was able to muster contra Trump?

It reminded me of Labor Day,1984 when VP candidate Geraldine Zucchini-Fellini led the Dem Victory Parade down 5th Avenue and no one, no one was there. I declared the election to be over and placed wagers accordingly.

Lest I forget, Margaret Sanger was Hitler’s favorite American with the possible exception of that old serial humper, that paragon of mendacity and meretriciousness, Ambassador Poppa Joe Kennedy.

I am sorry but my Sounds Like Bullshit To Me vintage tee shirt has gone walkabout.

Your Page 1 story about the weather screams tautologies, false data, and constructs that are offensive to Logic. No one in NYC can say today if the balloons will fly tomorrow because no one can predict the wind velocity. I mention that because we have omadhauns doubling as climatological Jeremiahs predicting with the metaphysical and moral certitude, not to mention the smugness of a Christian having drawn 4 aces in 5 card stud, what the temperature and sea level will be a friggin’ century from now.

Pop quiz: Did Global Warming end the last Ice Age? Was that good or bad?

Speaking of “settled science”, I am starting a “Go Fund Me” page to bring back Ptolemy and Fred Hoyle. 

Ptolemy’s views on where the earth was in relation to the sun and all those other things ruled the roost for a millennium and a half. That’s 1,500 years. Hoyle’s reign was not as long but just as ironclad. No dissent was allowed. Why do you think stakes were invented?

If, as you say, this year’s hurricanes were “devastating”, how would you characterize the hurricanes in 2005, in 2004, in 1992, 1969. 1962, 1954, 1937, 1935, 1925, the really big one in 1908, and the colossal one 600 years ago that saved the Japanese bacon from being fried by the Chinese and gave birth to the word kamikaze? Did Trump leaving the Paris Climate Accord cause them? 

I told you last week to get your resume in order and to update your c v particularly since those hedge fund corsairs will soon control the Sun Sentinel.

I see that you have paid public fealty and obeisance to the greed driven, profit motivated new keepers of the Exchequer by bumping the Wednesday price to the same as Sunday. The only thing extra is the big ad insert that you charged the advertisers to put in. How many trees and how much fracked petroleum was used to enable you to score Brownie points with the new wage slaves?

Keep your job.
You go, girl!

Kevin Smith

PS – Thanks for telling me not to wash the turkey. Also, “fairness”, the bitch Goddess worshipped by all modern American Liberal ink stained wenches and wretches, demands that you bang the drum loudly for Bob Kuechenberg going into the NFL HoF before Zach Thomas. Kooch helped win 2 Super Bowls. And what the Hell is Dan Dierdorf doing there? He never got to a Super Bowl, never got to a NFC Championship game. I don’t think he ever got to the playoffs. What’s fair is “fair”, right? Throw his sad sacked, sorry ass out. Put #67 in

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