Monday, November 18, 2019

November 13, 2019 Trump gave a great speech about the economy, the economy that Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman said would tank if the “deplorables” elected him. A wise man once told me never to argue with a canceled check. Trump has a boat load of them.

November 13, 2019

Trump gave a great speech about the economy, the economy that Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman said would tank if the “deplorables” elected him. A wise man once told me never to argue with a canceled check. Trump has a boat load of them.

I just saw Sidney Blumenthal, and if ever a man fit the criteria set down by Slow Joe Biden for taking someone out behind the gym for a well-deserved, long past due Texas-sized ass whupping, he is it. He was talking about impeachment etiquette. Let me add that Christopher Hitchens came to loathe him as only he could.

I created the term “smarmy bastard” for scum sucking bottom feeders such as he. He would be well advised to step aside should he see me coming. He is a man born to be harmed.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside” has fallen afoul of the Word Police – Song Squad. If it gets the chop what are we to do with “Nessun Dorma”? The first song hints suggestively at what maybe might happen. The second one leaves nothing to the imagination. It’s all about getting a leg over en route to the horizontal tango. It’s what Caesar and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Ophelia, and Liz and Dick were known for.
“Those words mean exactly what I want them to mean”

Page 1 of today’s Sun Sentinel features a story on DACA and its trip to the Supreme Court. Obama began it by Executive Order because Congress would not, could not, did not act on it legislatively, as the Constitution dictates. Even he felt he acted incorrectly. The issue is not the lachrymose tales of dreams denied but whether or not the Rule of Law is served. Without the Rule of Law, we would be like Trousered Apes. It is why you never see anyone swimming to Cuba.




Day 1 of the Trump hearing has given a new lease on life to hearsay evidence. Hearsay evidence is simple to define. You didn’t see it; you heard it. Herschel told Fatima who told Jose who thinks he told Red Cloud who maybe told Dieter who definitely told you without telling you which link of the chain was “overserved” at lunch and which link is gaining on English as non-first language

There is an exception in New Jersey, maybe elsewhere.


My last gunfight was June 3, 1993. I was juror #2 in the Essex County Courthouse, Judge Leonard Ronco presiding when the first police officer was shot in the head and killed. The bailiff, Essex County Deputy Ralph Rizzolo, was shot in the chest. He stumbled into the courtroom where I saved his life [2 and ½ years later he danced at my daughter’s wedding] As I was administering First Aid, he gave me a description of the man who shot him. He had a hole the size of a quarter just slightly off his sternum. It was deemed to be a dying declaration what with the bullet entering his chest, traveling up to his right shoulder and coming to a stop at his right elbow. The “alleged perpetrator” was found guilty, avoiding the death penalty, and is still in jail in New Jersey. Not quite Willy Horton because this guy only had one turn at the plate.

One of my physicians asked me about my eating habits. I said I am like a coyote. Targets of opportunity, carrion, a 3-legged stray form the herd, a lot of junk food, a few potables. Decidedly non-Keto plus glutens and carbs. Many glutens and carbs. He suggested that I start a healthy eating routine. I told him I was 76 years old and that I have had more cancer operations this year than most people have had sit down Sunday dinners plus 3 titanium joints plus a scleral buckle along with a pacemaker and a defibrillator along with a wound on my leg that would have been found at Andersonville. I asked him what he thought about kale. He likes it so I told him to eat my portion. And hold the tofu which we all know is recycled whale snot.

Speaking of beer, I banned all Anheuser-Busch beers from my daughter’s wedding reception. Also, all light or lite beer. Shakespeare was my guide in this. Just before his famous line about killing the lawyer comes “I will make it a crime to drink small beer.” Even then he knew. I will never drink Stella Artois beer.  10 years ago, I was in Waxy O’Conner’s trying to avoid being overserved. I was offered a free pinto of Stella. It was then called the “wifebeater”. I said if I wanted to beat my wife, I didn’t need beer from Belgium to do it. I’ll drink beer from Iran before I drink any from there

Curling is back, thank God.

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