Saturday, November 9, 2019

November 7, 2019 “CHARACTER”

November 7, 2019


“Character,” answered James Madison, one of our homegrown geniuses and the author of the Constitution. “Character is the most important thing to look for in any candidate for any public office.”

Before I get to Lieawatha Warren’s truly asinine policy points, things such as 106% marginal tax rate, making the garroting of golden geese a national holiday, and her submitting a recipe calling for cold crab meat, andouie sausage, schmaltz, and a pint of Cherry Garcia as proof that not only was she a feather wearing abo but her forebears perfected the art of beating White prisoners when they ran the gauntlet, sort of like a precursor to Welcome Wagon. 

It is not known if she is really the last of the Mohicans. If she can prove it there is a heap of wampum waiting for her in Connecticut.

She claimed through her professional life that she was a Redskin Injun who cherished her ancestry and fought fiercely to protect her cultural heritage, particularly when it came to scalping and tearing out and eating your enemy’s heart. Take care, Senator Kennedy.  That’s Kennedy of Louisiana, not Lard of Massachusetts There is an old Russian proverb – Keep your ax handy – that you may want to implement if you serve on any committees with her.

If you wonder why my language is a bit harsh it is because there is no penalty, neither in the Law nor culturally, for calling the President’s daughter a “feckless cunt” or for walking around, skillfully disguised as a strung out, skank crack whore, carrying the President’s head as Kathy Griffin did, then I can call her, and here I salute the early years of TV, Princess SummerFallWinterWarren  

Bernie the Bolshie spent his honeymoon in the shadow of Lenin’s tomb and also at 13 Dzerzhinsky Square, the home of the KGB, hoping to gather up some free-falling “penumbras and emanations” from his Founding Fathers. He also exchanged May Day greetings with Castro and Chavez. It is alleged that he has a tattoo of Che Guevara close to his private parts. Damning him with faint praise, at least he never claimed to be descended from either Robespierre or Madame de Farge. And as bow to diversity, let me stick Guy Fawkes in there also. 

I give him high marks for being honest. 

That is a trait seldom found in modern American Liberals. In fact, it is alien to their nature. We have had ObamaCare for 9 years. He said we each save $200 a month. Nancy Pelosi said we could study photography or write poetry with our savings. I learned math before the new math kicked in. 9 years at $2400 per annum is $30,600. SHOW ME THE MONEY! Move over Steichen and Yeats.

Mayor Pete Bootygoo, who plans to build a weekend White House pied a terre in
Gomorrah, a town known for non-gender specific requited tumescence, can’t quite figure out why he is not hugely popular with Black folk. I am sure somebody in South Florida will explain it to him. It’s a cultural thing. The “down low” life style ain’t that popular with the bros or the hos in the ‘hood. Maybe if he were to throw a jump into Wide Bottomed Hillary on Pay TV, he could allay some fears.

Kamala Harris will come to your house and “polish your knob” a la Willie Brown or your knobette if you will vote for her. She also said she would repeal the Trump Tax Cuts “on Day One”. Who the hell needs Congress? Not I, said this moon-bat, bat shit crazy ninny.

Pancho O’Rourke, in addition to a few DUIs and losing to Ted Cruz and despite being President of the West Texas Lucky Sperm Club, is a fucking moron whose name will never be mentioned again. He is officially struck from the rolls. Vaya con diablo, you jackass.

As to Slow Joe, Cheese Dick to his Auchmere Academy alums all of whom were the recipients of White Privilege, a sea side villa in Yalta, Crimea awaits.  

Gotsta run. The alarm on my manatee snare went off. If they drown it can spoil the first cut sushi.

Kevin Smith

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