Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 11, 2019 If I understand Mikey Bloomberg, a “good” billionaire,

November 11, 2019

If I understand Mikey Bloomberg, a “good” billionaire, unlike the Brothers Koch who are “bad” billionaires, including the dead one, especially the dead one. Bloomberg wants to fix things by Executive Order because Congress can be, oy, such a pain in the tuchis. His list includes, but Is not limited to, the following:

A – Big Gulps
B – refills, unlimited of A
C – water pistols
D – water balloons
E – spit balls
F – The Marlboro Man, having just died, is given a conditional commutation.
G – Any mentioning of my polar bear killing, to Hell with carbon foot printing, use of private jets is verboten. As to “conspicuous consumption”, as the late Max Bialystock said, “If you got it, flaunt it.”
I was a semi-regular in the King Cole Room – the one with the Maxfield Parrish mural running the length of the surpassed only by the one at the 3rd floor bar at the Downtown Athletic Club, the home of the Heisman – at the St. Regis Hotel known for the biggest pour in any saloon in Manhattan when Rockefeller was Governor and Lindsay [Lindslay, as Mike Quill used to call him]] Since Rockefeller never carried cash, all the quotidian $ requirements fell to Lindsay. I was told by hotel staff that used to really rankle his WASP ass.

FDR had Warm Springs. Truman had Key West. Ike had Camp David. JFK had various seraglios. LBJ had “The Biggest Little Whore House in Texas.” Carter had Plains. The Great Reagan had his ranch. He also had America. Enough of show and tell. If Mayor Petey Bootygoo becomes 46, just as any plane the President flies in becomes Air Force One, any place he goes will become Gomorrah One, a large supply of gerbils, industrial strength WD40, and variously sized butt plugs will be available. Discretely available, of course

As predicted, the Dolphins are now one toe over the line of mediocrity. Also, I watched part of the Green Bay game yesterday. Let me return to my last trip to Green Bay. It was late October, 1995 when the IRS was really closing in. They played and bested the Vikings. It was chilly but not death cold. Reggie White made on the 2 great defensive plays I have ever seen with the other being made by Lawrence Taylor against, surprisingly, the Packers of a different era. Some remembrances of Green Bay past:
A – It is always good to go to Green Bay for a football weekend
B – You can’t control the weather, and Global Warming notwithstanding, pack accordingly.
C – It’s good planning to be a guest of a Green Bay Packer. We stayed in an apartment sub-let from the Packer QB. Thank you, Lindsay Knapp, #65
D - It’s better planning to be with the #65’s future father-in-law. Thank you, Jimmy Williams, Sr.
E – Casey Stengel loved Billy Martin.  Casey played for John McGraw whose attitude was “Prisoners? Who needs prisoners?” He saw himself in Martin. Bill Parcells played for a coach who played for Lombardi at St. Cecilia’s. Lombardi Lives!
F – I stayed at 2805 Viking Drive #205 Green Bay, WI 54304.

I watched a bit of Father Brown. The original story was written by G.K. Chesterton. Dead more than 80 years, his influence grows. Plus, he introduced me to Thomas Aquinas. One question remains.

Everywhere this priest goes somebody is shot, garroted, knifed, or defenestrated. Is its sacerdotal penumbras or emanations that cause all these felonies?

If it’s OK for Adam Schiff, the member of Congress who took the most beatings at lunch time in high school – and rightfully so, He wasn’t bullied for sport: he was bullied for cause. If he can limit or suppress testimony, can I go back and “revise and extend” the testimony I gave under oath, mind you, during my 7-year trial in U.S. Tax Court?

I stumbled into 6 minutes of The Simpsons. Priceless. I move to make it part of the Western Canon.

Does anyone else remember when The Giants were really lousy for the first time? The Pisarcik fumble. People burning tickets. Airplanes with nasty banners. The reason why can now be revealed. It was payback time for Wellington Mara. His father and uncle bought franchise for $2,500 in the ‘20s. Big money? Not for a very successful pair of speakeasy operators, rum runners, bookmakers, unsecured loan specialists, inter alia. One thing every Irish-Catholic who has several toes over the line craves is respectability.
What better way than to call your son Wellington? Young Welly went to an Irish-Catholic grammar school. From the 5th grade on it was tough. He went to an Irish-Catholic high school. It was brutal. It would have been worse at the Irish-Catholic university he went to save for an Eye-Tie kid from Brooklyn with a polished malochio when it came to his friends. His name was Vinny Lombardi. Yup. That Lombardi. Sue! Wellington? NO difference, Tough times, Trust me. Young Welly paid them all back with almost 20 years of shitty football. So much so that Pete Rozelle stepped in and with a broom that Hercules could have used cleaned house.
I saw John Mara bitch because of tough questions from reporters. He reminds me of a combination of Adam Schiff and Fredo. And why did he sell ½ of his team to the Tisches for chump change?

Off to the oncologist.

Kevin Smith

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