Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Senator Joseph Biden

September 1, 2008

Senator Joseph Biden
@Obama for President
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680

RE: About your high IQ…

Senator Biden,

“John McCain’s new VP nominee seems like a very engaging
person. But I’ve got to say, she’s opposed – like John McCain –
to equal pay for equal work. That doesn’t make much sense to me.”

You and Hillary Clinton are United States Senators. Are you paid more because you have a prostate gland? Is she paid less because she has a cervix? The world wonders.

Your wife has some kind of a doctorate in education. The practical effect of that is that she would probably need a blood hound, a flash light, and a GPS to find a class room.

Let’s use Delaware as an example. A 5th grade English teacher, a 10th grade math teacher, an 8th grade science teacher, and a 3rd grade language arts teacher are hired by the same school district on the same day. They were all graduated from the same school with the same degree and with the same grades. Two of the teachers are male; ergo, two aren’t.

Is there a school district in Delaware that pays the males more? The world wonders.

That discrimination exists is an undeniable fact.

I don’t like motor mouthed middle age Irishmen who call themselves Roman Catholics who think they can pick and choose without consequences which Church doctrines they can safely believe in. The reason I don’t like them is simple. They think no one is looking or listening.

“Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error.” Good advice when it was first given; better advice now.

I am sure in your instance there is a long gone Norbertine monk from Archmere Academy – Remember? – who is saying “Mr. Biden, that’s not what I taught you. Come back before it is too late. Meanwhile, I’ll pray for you. That sound you hear, the one that never goes away, is the Hound hot on your trail. Remember, Mr. Biden?”

Kimberly Brooks, apparently this week’s peripatetic “paradigmatic template” for modern American Liberal uterine perpetually caterwauling hecates, says of Governor Palin “…but her hair HAS GOT TO GO.” Perhaps it is a reverse Samson shtick but if it goes I urge her to send her shorn tresses to you. Who says Republicans don’t believe in recycling?

Senator B. Hussein Obama chose for his running mate [that’s you, Senator] someone who cheated in college, plagiarized political speeches, and chose to confront his folliclely challenged skull with all the forces that modern medicine could muster. [That’s you, Senator]

Would she have to report her fully depreciated hair as a campaign contribution?

As to your high IQ…What color is an orange? Too tough? How do you spell TV?

1 comment:

Tom Swartwood said...

ok; he is follicley-challenged; who cares? The ethics peccadilloes; I agree; they matter, but they pail in comparison to those not only of the current administration but to most(corrupting power and all that), do they not?
Gov. MooseHunter wins the hair battle, as did Kennedy and Reagan. Not so good on the abstinence lessons, tho'. Kind of like setting the drinking age at 21.
And geez, why begrudge Sen. Foot-in-mouth from Del. a little sprucing up above the neck? And he is not alone among your Catholic brethern (and sistern)on selective observance, not that it justifies his approach. Just puts him in the mainstream. Much of this reminds me of the joke whose punch line is "Aww, Mom!!" Cheers,