Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Barry E. Kirscher, Esq., Palm Beach State’s Attorney

August 2, 2008

Barry E. Kirscher, Esq.
Palm Beach State’s Attorney
401 North Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

RE: Your duty as to scroyle Wexler

Mr. Kirscher,

I am sure there is a Latin adage that translates “Payback is a bitch”. It there isn’t there should be.

Congressman Robert Wexler, he of the terminal outrage over “butterfly ballots” in 2000 and long term Chairman of “3 Cheers for Alger Hiss”, suffers from a malady common to politicians who see villains everywhere. He is in the advanced stages of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Each year he is Congress he has gotten taller. In addition to being 10 foot tall he is bulletproof. It was believed as recently as a month ago that his shadow falling upon the lame and the halt was sufficient for them to get up and walk.

The above listed outrages are not listed as felons. The reason why the state legislature has not acted is the majority of its members suffer from the same disease.

An argument could be made that the public arena is the best place for this mange carrier to be deloused. The combination of his hubris & chutzpah is offensive. While it is criminally offensive and extremely detrimental to the commonweal it is not a crime.

Where he resides is different.

Can we stipulate that both Federal and state law say that you must reside in the district that you represent?

Either he does or he doesn’t.

Your office had no problem going after Rush Limbaugh. Further, it had no problem publicizing your efforts to get him.

Can you do less for – perhaps to is the better word – this phony bastard?

Presumably he files a Federal tax return.

Which state – Florida or Maryland – does he use?

Presumably he has a driver’s license.
Which state – Florida or Maryland – granted it?

As a modern American Liberal and as such in perpetual thralldom to the various teachers’ unions it is inconceivable that his children would go to a private school. If he uses the laundry room in his in-laws Del Ray house as his residence he would be liable for non-resident tuition in Maryland. If so it would be a matter of public record. If he doesn’t pay it because he is a Maryland resident he is in violation of Florida law.

Forget about press conferences. Get him under oath. Ask the questions.

Justice and the perception of Justice being done demand that you pursue this to wherever it leads you.

You took an oath of office. “A man on oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water. He opens his fingers at his own peril.”

Do your duty.

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