Sunday, August 24, 2008

Senator B. Hussein Obama

August 24, 2008

Senator B. Hussein Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680

RE: Affirmative Action – Who says it doesn’t work?

Senator O and the story of same continues…

Correct me if I’m wrong but haven’t you said…

#1 – “There are at least 57 states.”
#2 – “10,000 people died in one tornado in Kansas last year.”
#3 – “Two terms in the White House will take 10 years.”

You have two degrees from Ivy League schools. If you said the above you will be the best example of Bell Curve grading since he invented the telephone. A “culturally literate” adult knows how many states there are; he knows that 10,000 people didn’t die in Kansas last year; he knows that one term in the White House is 4 years, not 5 years.

No wonder you never had a real job.

“Community organizer”? What the Hell does that mean?

“Illinois legislator”? Daley could have elected OJ Simpson in your district.

It gets better.

You picked Curly Biden to be your designated funeral attendee. Inside work, no heavy lifting, lots and lots of frequent flyer miles. Plus, the Secret Service gets to mow his lawn.

You may note have been aware of it but he, like his good friend Lard Kennedy, is “ethically challenged”. He once was “follicleley challenged” but steroids, possum pelts – a major Delaware export, Gorilla Glue, Velcro, and two-sided Duck tape helped him overcome it.

His defense for cheating in Law School was “Nobody told me you had to use quotations and foot notes” seems to have worked. Weren’t you editor of the Harvard Law Review? How did you get that job?

Acorns seldom fall far from the tree.

When he was running in the Democratic Presidential primary in 1988 – that’s the one where Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. introduced Willie Horton to Amerika, remember? – he cheated yet again.

If he had taken for his own use without attribution as to authorship any number of British politicians other than the one he stole his lines from it would have almost forgivable. The words of Margaret Thatcher, Harold Macmillan, Winston Churchill, David Lloyd George, Benjamin Disraeli, The Iron Duke, Edmund Burke, either of the Pitts, even Cromwell would have lessened the blow.

He chose Neil Kinnock.

If Kinnock had been Prime Minister in 1982 the Argentineans would not have invaded the Falkland Islands. They would have sunk H.M.S. Victory en route to occupying the Tower of London, razing Parliament, setting Sherwood Forest on fire, and converting Queen Elizabeth to Roman Catholicism. Kinnock would have been sent to Dartmoor Prison to start anew as a Spanish teacher.

If he had been Prime Minister in the mid-80s the only way Pershing missiles would have been allowed in England would have been if they could only fly West.

I offer your example and his that Affirmative Action, despites its warts, works.

It appears that, 7 years of Ivy League education notwithstanding, you don’t know what color an orange is. Let it be said of Fuzzy Joe, and if he is the best that the Fighting Blue Hens of Delaware can produce maybe DUPONT and MBNA should literally take over the state that they already own, that he couldn’t lie straight in bed.

Boobs and charlatans have to have a chance to “get lucky in life’s lottery”. You won’t have to campaign for them. You and Pal Joey own them.

1 comment:

Omnium said...

Isn't MBNA now in North Carolina and not DE? And DUPONT hasn't been owned or chaired by family members in decades. I think there may be one or two of them still on the Board but more as "placeholders" than as activists.
I'm from DE originally.