Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 27, 2013

Robert Runcie – Superintendent
600 SE 3rd Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Coach Gondlfo, how it could have been worse, and a teachable moment.

Superintendent Runcie,

Let us be thankful for small blessings.

Thank God that the QB who was slapped on national TV wasn’t African-American. Al Sharpton would have been here by noon today with a 3 foot wide people shredder. The only option was whether the Coach went in head first or feet first.

As to the teachable moment…

You have the unimpeded power to prevent an employee from earning a living. The terms due process and judicial review are not mentioned. Since you have this power I suggest you use it for safety’s sake in football. It’s simple.

Ban the use of facemasks in all high school football games in Broward County.

Trust me when I tell you that there will be a precipitous drop in helmet to helmet contact. With that will come a precipitous drop in concussions and neck injuries.

Issue a ukase proclaiming the banning of helmets. While you are at it toss in lacrosse. As violent as football can be at least the players are not going after each other with cudgels.

You have the nation’s attention.

Use your 15 minutes wisely and well.

And thank God the QB was Caucasian.

Kevin Smith

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