Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 31, 2013
Albert Hunt
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005

RE: Free speech is like being pregnant. There is no middle ground. Yes or No. No maybes.

Mr. Hunt,

If, as you say, “the money unleashed by Citizens United and other decisions contributed to the ugly tone of last year’s campaign”, could you hazard a guess as to what caused the campaigns of 1800 and 1828 to still be the dirtiest in American History? That they got their laurels the old fashioned way – they earned them - before electricity is a stirring testament to American exceptionalism.

In 1864 the Democratic Party and its house organ even then, the New York Times, referred to President Lincoln as a “baboon”. Was there a still undiscovered Koch Brothers mean spirited money machine working then?

Last week Pascal Robert, a Democrat spokesman, said that Dana Loesch, a Conservative radio talk show hostess, should be anally sodomized by a Black man. Is this a result of the Citizens United decision empowering the Tea Party?

Speaking of an excess of money, why are you opposed to George Soros spending his money the way that he sees fit? At least he doesn’t borrow it from the Chinese.

Which part of “Congress shall make no law…” are you having a problem with? Send a SASE.

Kevin Smith

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