Monday, February 23, 2015

February 20, 2015
Congressman Patrick Murphy
2500 PGA Boulevard #A3220
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408

RE: Why Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators should be flogged, repeatedly.

Congressman Murphy,

The great Nechemie, CPA to the stars [and me] and the only man I knew who voted for Henry Wallace in 1948 was my mentor and teacher in many things. He introduced me to the nuances of the Bag Test.

Simply put, if something doesn’t look right, you put in a big paper bag. You close the bag and put it in a closet for 24 hours. Then you sneak up on the bag, you open it quickly, and you stick your head in. Res ipso loquitur will have to do because I don’t know the Latin for “God’s Holy Trousers but that smells so bad I think I’ll shove loose, warm cat shit up my nose to kill the smell”

I read the WSJ story of the Clinton, Clinton. Clinton Steal a Hot Stove famiglia LLC and I said, “Bag? I don’t need no stinking bag”.

Hobby Lobby, the NRA, the Koch Brothers, Pro-Lifers, and fans of James Madison have one thing in common. They did not succumb to the siren call of the C,C, and C gang.

Exactly what does it do?

One thing they do superbly well is raise money, as much as $2,000,000,000 – that’s two billion – since they left the White House in 2001 trying to take part of the Rose Garden with them.

What they do with it is as different matter. It ain’t cheap keeping 4 decades, maybe 5, of bimbo erupters quiet.

Why did a variety of sheiks throw a bundle into the wishing well? Maybe they figured as the number of Jihadist casualties increases they may run out of the 72 infidel virgins required every farm buying Jihadist.

It is always good to have an anchor to windward particularly if it is tied to an ample-assed chick who could be President.

Why is GE on the list of donors?

The answer is simple.

The people who run it have decided it is in their shareholders’ best interests to be part of it.

GE would have been the GC on the construction of Hitler’s Autobahn. They would have low bidder on the environmentally sensitive crematoria.

It is a lot cheaper than dumping some big bucks into R&D and then having to wait 12 to 15 years before any return, let alone profit, is possible.

Why bribe a Senator? It isn’t deductible and you might get caught. Plus, any dough sent to C, C, and C gets you a marker on a bruja who could be President. Remember, they strong-armed about $300,000,000 to build a library for Handsome Billy form Hot Springs. You can steal more with a pen than you can with a gun.

Your resume says that you were a Certified Public Accountant. [Is it true that debits no longer have to equal credits?]

It is standard operating procedure for modern American Liberal organizations to give out pie charts when asked financial questions by people they consider naifish.

Have you, has anyone, ever seen a certified financial statement of the C, C, & C group? How about a tax return? How about the individual W2s, 1099s, or Schedule Cs? You may as well add any 1065s and K1s to the list.

I was an officer and director of a public company. I helped prepare and then under penalty of perjury and civil fraud I signed years of 10Ks. Does this hybrid money trap have anything similar that is required of them? If so, where can I get a copy?

Chelsea, la bruja joven, may be the worst.

Perhaps if she had gone to some of the really fine public schools in DC when she was a tenant in public housing it may have turned out differently. Quien sabe?

After announcing that she knows nothing about and cares even less about filthy lucre NBC gives her $560,000 to go on TV a few times. She sounded like a cross between Dipsy, my favorite Teletubby, Emily Latella, and Pee Wee Herman.

How did she get the job? Because her mother might wind up in the Oval Office and not like Monica Lewinsky did, you dummy.

You said that one of Hillary’s strengths is her ability to “reach across the aisle”. Her husband had the quality also but he wanted to latch on to some sweater meat or play a bit of grab-can. With him, stinky finger, maybe a hummer or, if time and space allowed, a quick horizontal tango were always possibilities.

Hillary, no fool, went straight for the wallet.
I would rather have Mary Magdalene in the White House. At least she knew the value of honest labor and customer service.

Come to think of it hey had a lot in common.

Each got to sell it and they both got to keep it.

What a country!

That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba.

Let the flogging begin.

Kevin Smith

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