Sunday, February 1, 2015

January 29, 2015

Congresswoman Lois Frankel
2500 N. Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431

RE: Next year in Jerusalem?

Congresswoman Frankel,

#1 – Some, not all, Irishmen are drunken, loud mouthed toss pots.
#2 – Some, not all, Italians are criminals.
#3 – Some, not all, Scotsmen are clam ass tight misers.
#4 – Some, not all, Blacks are shiftless fornicators.
#5 – Some, not all, Poles are cement-headed Bohunks.
#6 – Some, not all, Jews used to be very smart.

The lesson learned from the above is that myriad particulars do not a universal make.

#6 may yet prove to be the unraveling of Logic, a priceless construct that took 25 centuries to assemble. It must be defended vigorously because the Sophists who attack it to promote the specious ends of the poltroon du jour are enemies of the permanent things and must be dispatched with much haste.

The President of the United States calls the Prime Minister of Israel a “chicken shit coward”. The President of the United States, taking a clue from the play book of Henry the Second whose throw-away line of “Will no one rid me of this nettlesome priest” sends his poll taking election stealers to Israel to undo the Prime Minister.

The collective silence of modern American Liberal Democrats – Forgive me. I just repeated myself, didn’t I? – is thunderously deafening. How many synonyms of shame are there?

I saw a headline yesterday announcing that the Taliban will soon be meeting with various heads of states. My immediate response was to ask how many of those heads will still be attached to the individual leaders.

We, we “precious few”, know that while correlation is not causation sometimes discernible patterns emerge

Which fact with no exceptions – none whatsoever - is the common denominator of all terrorist murders in the 21st century? They were commited by

A – Spontaneous combustion and/or steroid induced road rage?
B – Deranged postal workers?
C – Overweight, undersexed Swedish Lutheran dentists?
D – Inner city feral Black teenagers from a single parent home?
E – Islamic terrorists?

It is an open book test. Take your time.

The soul dead shills for the White House, people who would tongue bathe the Boss’s teleprompter on command, would eat the 2100 pages of the ObamaCare act rather than suggest E.

Their daily dose of bull shit – not chicken shit, mind you – begins with an intro similar to the following:

“Just because it is warm, yellow, stinky and will hit you
with astonishing force from your neck to your
do not think I am pissing on your back
while telling you it is rain.”

If I, an “average White grandfather”, know that 12 Jews were butchered in a Kosher shop, that 4 Jews were killed in a Yeshiva, that 4 Jews were killed in a Hebraic museum, why doesn’t the President of the United States and his bum kissing, morally warped flacks know it?

Although I am not a Jew the man who founded my Church was. Further, the Jerusalem, Athens, Rome cauldron was where the triptych of Western Civilization was formed.

There is no smile on the faces of the savages who are pounding on our door.

Where is the outcry from Jewish members of Congress? Does their fealty to the gravity defying, graven images, to the golden calf, of modern American Liberalism blind them to the limitless peril facing their 5000 year old temple?

No one gets into “Profiles in Courage” by swallowing their souls and agreeing with the big boss man.

I enclose a copy of “Will Israel Survive”. It was written by Victor Davis Hanson, as righteous a Gentile that will be found in the public arena. Read and pass it on.

Will the Kaddish for Israel be non-denominationally inter-faith?

Kevin Smith

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