Monday, February 23, 2015

February 22, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

My dear Big Stein,

The only cure for children getting older – when thinking of Little Stein remember Tennyson….”He works his work, I work mine” – is to have some really, really Little Steins. Alas, only Little Stein can half scratch that itch.

I have 3 Texas Ladies. One is an award winning artist. One is a champion gymnast. One still believes that I am the best guy ever. They make up a DNA troika that is fast heading to their own horizon, one where I can’t go, leaving only memories.

Some Boston timpanists get to play with more than one set of drums, no?


PS – Have the beloved Little Stein do some research. I’ve been asking parents of college student for several years to have their fast fading tax deductions find out if Wordsworth is still one the chick-lit shit list. No answers to date. Here’s another one. I hear a story, probably a base canard, spread by the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy”, doubtless funded by the Koch Brothers, that either 1820 or 1821 was the year without summer in Boston. Boston Common was covered by snow in June. Can you imagine Brian Williams doing the story? Have him look into this because 195 years ago we did not have Carbon Footprints, we did not have polar bear killing SUVs, we did not have coal burning power plants that enable us to cool our houses in the summer and keep them warm in the winter. Where did all that snow come from? Also, I’ve heard some “bitter clinging” climate change deniers claim that Global Warming got us out of the last Ice Age. It that’s true the world of Luddite boobs will be shocked, just shocked. He’s old enough to know of the danger of STDs. Tell him to beware, to be on constant alert, for the sirens’ call of tautologies. It is an ailment commonly found in the children of modern American Liberals.

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