Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 7, 2013
Carl Hiaasen
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Street
Miami, FL 33172

RE: Why does something missing stink? Some comments on your column in today’s Miami Herald about George Zimmerman and the possibility that he may…Yikes! ...walk.

Mr. Hiaasen,

Anthony Lewis, late of the New York Times, an institution that still honors Walter Duranty, coined the term “cultural arrogance” to describe rich White 1st worlders going Tsk Tsk! when Pol Pot killed 1/3rd – repeat – 1/3rd of his country so he could start over in his quest to build the perfect society.

Now we have another example of Pinch’s Folly, an institution kept alive by dirty money swag from the Frito Bandido and re-runs of the Discovery Channel, coining another term, white Hispanic, when describing George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin, the alleged victim, was either Liberty Valance or a shy, sensitive African-American who liked macramé, modern dance, and gangsta rap haiku. I may be wrong. It could have been gangsta rap tofu. “What difference does it make” as Hillary the Beneficent and the Good told us.

If George Zimmerman is a “white Hispanic” what would that make Aaron Hernandez? Although Hernandez technically faces the death penalty the Willie Horton rule still prevails in Massachusetts. George Custer, even though he is still dead and will be dead for a very long time, is the only man who could possibly be executed in Massachusetts. If for no other reason it would be gift to Pocohantas Warren.

But that’s not why I write.

What’s missing from your column, as Harold Rumpole, he of the Old Bailey said, is one of the two great gifts from England to the rest of the world. The first was the traditional English breakfast, an institution that sacrosanct until the arrival of the dreaded food police.

The other, the presumption of innocence, is, alas, applied eclectically.

The Duke lacrosse team was as guilty as sin. If it wasn’t it should have been. White privileged racists – Who plays lacrosse other than White privileged racists who are the children of White privileged racists? – should have been guilty even if they weren’t?

Forget about the punishment fitting the crime. In this instance the narrative fit the crime. White privileged racists taking advantage of a single mom, a woman of color, with a child in need of a good Ritalin program and easier access to public transportation whose son is not old enough for Midnight Basketball. Enough tragedy there to silence Sophocles and Aeschylus.

I have an interesting 2 state history of jury duty.

Guilt must be proved; innocence need not be.

Just ask O.J.

Meanwhile, the lizard is frozen or it isn’t.

If it were a Black on Black crime, a White on White crime, or a Black on White crime the Grand Jury would have cleared its throat and said “Next”.

Kevin Smith

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