Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 3, 2014

Commissioner Kristin Jacobs
115 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Commissioner Jacobs,
Sometimes the lily demands to be gilded. In its entirety…

“I’m not a scientist. I’m not a land-use planner, an economist,
an accountant, a social worker, an airplane pilot or a physician.
Yet, as an elected official I am entrusted – nay required – to make
decisions related to all of these areas. And I am a fully-trained
academic expert in none of them. As our state’s water systems
begin to collapse due to rising seas, it is not just irresponsible for
Gov. Rick Scott to claim that a lack of professional training forbids
action; it is downright dangerous.”
The Sun Sentinel

It is empirically self-evident from the above that literacy tests must become a requirement for elections, if not for the voters than absolutely for the candidates.

Since being gender specific may bring the dreaded Word Police down on me let me just say that you are a HORSE’S ASS of Homeric proportions. Once again the presses at the Guinness Book of Records have been stopped to get an up to date picture of you. When the newly released OED is opened to HORSE’S ASS your picture will serve as the only definition. People on distant galaxies will smirk and say res ipso loquitur. Your head is so far up your ass that you could remove your own tonsils….from below.

You confuse and conflate feelings and ideas. The scientific method, one of the great gifts of DWEMs, is unknown to you. “Correlation is not causation” is an extra-terrestial concept to you. The main article of faith, the one never changing tenet of true believers, is POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC. I used some big boy terms. You may want to get someone to explain them. If no one knows what they mean SASE.

Kevin Smith

PS – Have you turned you’re A/Cs off yet? Think globally. Act locally, particularly if you want to undrown polar bears

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