Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 3, 2014

Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger Singerman
350 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33301

RE: They climate is changing, the sea is rising, the sky is falling, watch out for Y2K, antibiotics and hormones are bad in chickens but good in children, why can’t we all just get along? – What to do, what to do, particularly if you are a modern American Liberal lawyer who believes that the horizon can be reached if enough men of good will want it badly enough. Some comments on your brief Jeremiad in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Berger,

First, a cursory check of your CV shows that you have much time in grade in pursuit of Democratic Party politics.

Do you remember when former Vice President Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., AKA Alpha Gump, was dodging, and if results are the sole criterion, artfully some misunderstandings over campaign finance law? Do you remember, with grins all around, when he went to a convent of discalced mendicant Buddhist nuns and came out with $300,000 in credit card contributions?

I do.

When avoiding the puff ball jibes of an extremely compliant media – Some things never change, do they? – he kept using the phrase “no controlling legal authority”. I know that he was incapable of composing such a term. Did you? [As an aside, Clinton’s impeachment was bound to fail because America would tolerate a picaresque philandering perjurer before they would let that nit-wit get his hands on the launch codes. Same with President B. O. and his side kick Curley Biden. God, but he is dumber than a box of hammers, isn’t he?]

At the very least I suggest that you and your firm refuse to handle any real estate transactions where tidal water can be seen form any part of the property, particularly on the buy side. Some leeway can be given to representing the seller if the buyers are from Quebec.

Since the next really high tide will decrease the number of homes on the Post Office delivery routes I am sure there is an article in the Canons of Ethics that says a lawyer cannot let a client jump off a bridge even if it is only a financial span.

You say that “seven of 10 Floridians agreed that human conduct is a major cause of climate change and sea level rise” as if that was proof of something, of anything. More than six out of ten Floridians agreed that marriage was between a man and a woman. How much weight does that get? [Actually 62% of Floridians voted it into the Florida Constitution, remember?]

You mention Copernicus without mentioning Ptolemy. That may be civil fraud because a material fact was willingly withheld.

Ptolemy was believed by 99.6% of the world when he posited his findings on the universe. His science was “settled” for 15 centuries.

I was represented by a big-time DC law firm whose founder said, “No matter how thin you slice the baloney there is always 2 sides to it”.

Let us stipulate that 45% of the electricity produced in this country comes from burning coal. 50% of that power is used to produce air conditioning. Can you see where I’m going here?

At the very least you have to turn you’re A/Cs off. If you want to lessen your CO2 usage you have to open your windows and use hand held fans.

I never said it was easy being a modern American Liberal but since it is for the children it’s OK, right?

Kevin Smith

PS – Labor Day is within sight. When does this year’s Summer of Recovery start?

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