Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 19, 2017

Ron Klein, Esq.
Holland & Knight
1 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Once a boob, always a boob – Some comments on your mini Op-Ed on climate change, drowning polar bears, and Redskin disturbing pipelines in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Klein,

“At a time when hurricanes, storms, and other
weather events are even more threatening…”
The Sun Sentinel

IN typical modern American Liberal protocol, the one that allows you to never let facts interfere with your argument, the one that encourages use of the gravity defy8ing machine, you confusingly conflate correlation and causation. In the name of Ned Lud it sure as Hell beats thinking.

#1 – How did Greenland get its name? How did it lose it?
#2 – 10 centuries ago there was an upward spike in temperature in Europe. We wound up with the Renaissance. Do you have a problem with Dante?
#3 -  5 centuries ago there was downward spike in temperatures in the Adriatic. It had a palbable, significant effect on certain trees. Stradivarius used this to his advantage. Do you have a problem with hearing Bach played on one of his instruments?
#3 – What caused the Blizzard of ’88? The Blizzard of ‘47? What caused the Galveston hurricane / The hurricane of ‘25? The hurricane of ’37? Mount St. Helen’s? Take your time, you twit. It’s an open book exam.
#4 – Did your evil twin, doubtless an idiot savant, take the Florida Bar exam for you?
#5 – I have some dates from different centuries. Send a SASE

Kevin Smith

PS – Turn off the A/Cs in your office. All associates, para legals, and staff to use public transportation to and from work. Take a stand; save the whales; maybe even save Tibet.

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