Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 21, 2017

Zaylore Stout, Esq.
333 Washington Avenue N
Minneapolis, MN 55401

RE: Does Chick-Fil-A use chickens raised by Nazis who are members of the KuKluxKlan?
Weren’t they the ones who said Barney Frank was running a rump poking – boys only – Knocking Shoppe in the basement of the Capitol? The bastards!

Mr. Stout,

Do you think Chick-Fil-A is selling rubber chicken? Do they have super chickens whose steroid and hormone levels enable them to swim through boiling water every day with celery and some bouillon cubes taped to their wings? That’s what gives them their great lo-fat, gluten free, chicken soup. It’s the only meat based product that has the PETA stamp of approval. Why? Because the friggin’ bird lives, you nit-wit. Next year they will have full benefits and a 401K.

“We just wanted to make sure that Chick-Fil-A was put
on notice that we will be monitoring their activities.”

The facts would support the interpretation that the above quote could be construed as corporate stalking.

What if they were to offer a copy of Dick Gregory’s autobiography? Forget the title?
Send me a SASE

One thing is certain. You are a half-assed horse’s ass.

Here’s another group to stalk. Its name screams racial discrimination. Plus, they get a ton of taxpayer money, money that comes from all races. And worse, they get their offices rent free in a large Federal office building in Washington!

I am talking about the Congressional Black Caucus, you buffo ninny.

Kevin Smith

PS – Zaylore? Do you have any relatives named Eeyore?

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